【田村俊一】K18/Pt900黒蝶パール パライバカラートルマリン ダイヤモンドブローチ兼帯留 (NO.48862)

398,000 円 (Tax included.) Regular price
Unit price

随所に職人の粋を感じる迫力の秀作!地金に映えるブルーのトルマリンは、往年のブラジル産かと思うほどの濃厚なパライバカラーで、特別感もひとしお。葉に露が煌めく様は涼やかでもあり、帯との粋なコーディネイトを楽しんでいただけそうです♪ 帯留用金具は着脱式となります。

■宝石名:黒蝶パール パライバカラートルマリン ダイヤモンド
■脇石:0.08ct ※打刻は数字のみとなっております

We are also selling at our actual store. Please forgive us in case they are sold at the same time.

Please understand that it may take a few days for us to issue a certificate of authenticity and a certificate of identification.

Please check your email settings so that our emails do not go into your spam folder.

American Express

Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, postal transfer, or COD.

For details, click here.

As a general rule, we do not accept returns for customer convenience.

For more details, click here.

We are also selling at our actual store. Please forgive us in case they are sold at the same time.

Please understand that it may take a few days for us to issue a certificate of authenticity and a certificate of identification.

Please check your email settings so that our emails do not go into your spam folder.

American Express

Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, postal transfer, or COD.

For details, click here.

As a general rule, we do not accept returns for customer convenience.

For more details, click here.

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