MIKIMOTO 【ミキモト/植田いつ子コレクション】K18WGアコヤパール ダイヤモンド2連ネックレス (NO.48489)

580,000 円 (Tax included.) Regular price
Unit price

上皇后様御用達ファッションデザイナー:植田いつ子氏とのコラボレーションライン。上皇后様の装いを彷彿とさせる、シックで品格のあるクラス感です。重厚なトップからはそこはかとなく和の趣が漂い、年齢を重ねても、長くご愛用いただけそうです。 ミキモトにてワイヤーに糸替え済みという、よいコンディションを末永く期待できるお品。

■ブランド名:MIKIMOTO 【ミキモト/植田いつ子コレクション】
■宝石名:アコヤパール ダイヤモンド
■主石:P=(トップ)8.3mm P=(NC)5.8~5.5mm

We are also selling at our actual store. Please forgive us in case they are sold at the same time.

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American Express

Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, postal transfer, or COD.

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As a general rule, we do not accept returns for customer convenience.

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We are also selling at our actual store. Please forgive us in case they are sold at the same time.

Please understand that it may take a few days for us to issue a certificate of authenticity and a certificate of identification.

Please check your email settings so that our emails do not go into your spam folder.

American Express

Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, postal transfer, or COD.

For details, click here.

As a general rule, we do not accept returns for customer convenience.

For more details, click here.

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